Frying Pan
The Frying Pan is a promotional melee weapon for all classes with the exception of the Engineer and the Spy. It is based on the Frying Pan from the video game Left 4 Dead 2; a seasoned cast-iron skillet with a small dent on the underside.
15.40$Related Skins
Your Eternal Reward is a community-created melee weapon for the Spy. It is a long, ornate dagger with distinctive oriental designs, a team-colored wooden handle, and a curved golden hilt. The other side of the handle, when holding the knife, has a crack in it.
10.40$The Hunter in Darkness is a community-created cosmetic item for all classes. It is a backwards baseball cap with the Team Fortress 2 emblem on its front, along with a team-colored bandana, night-vision goggles, and a headset strapped to it. The headset has a white U.S. Army insignia on both sides.
59.30$The Conniver’s Kunai is a community-created promotional melee weapon for the Spy. It is a Japanese kunai dagger with a cloth-bound handle that ends in a ring.
59.90$Earbuds are a promotional cosmetic item for all classes. They are a stylized version of the white earbuds that normally come with various handheld Apple products. They are connected to the class via loose cords. When worn, white musical notes are intermittently seen playing from them. The musical notes have no associated sound effect.

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