Frying Pan
The Frying Pan is a promotional melee weapon for all classes with the exception of the Engineer and the Spy. It is based on the Frying Pan from the video game Left 4 Dead 2; a seasoned cast-iron skillet with a small dent on the underside.
15.40$Related Skins
The Dead Head is a community-created cosmetic item for the Spy. It gives the Spy a white skull mask strapped around his head with a dark brown band, which goes over his default balaclava.
48.90$The Conniver’s Kunai is a community-created promotional melee weapon for the Spy. It is a Japanese kunai dagger with a cloth-bound handle that ends in a ring.
59.90$The Knife, also known as the Butterfly Knife or Balisong, is the default melee weapon for the Spy. It is a foldable stylized butterfly knife with a handle clip and clip-point blade.
61.05$The Frenchman’s Formals is a community-created cosmetic item for the Scout and Spy. It gives the wearer a set of classy formal wear with suits based on their default outfits; this includes a high collar that extends into lapels, a team-colored bow tie and waistcoat, along with a white frilly silk undershirt which visibly protrudes from the ends of each folded sleeve. Each sleeve and the suit’s collar have a single black button, while the suit is held together by two similar buttons. The Spy’s version has a more elaborate collar, while the Scout’s version gives him full-length folded sleeves, removes his dog tags, and tucks the rest of his suit under his belt.

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